lady Luck comes round
The first Saterday of each month the Willmar Car Club has a breakfast get together. Nothing formal, it’s a gathering of people from all walks of life who like cars. If its nice we drive our rides. If our ride isn’t running or it is still in the dream stage we come anyway, and join the conversation. I always enjoy the stories people tell, and I have found most car people like to talk about cars. Check the locations and schedule at the following link, then drop in and join us, you will be welcome.
Now we always have lots of door prizes which adds to the fun. As you can see from the following picture, some are extra nice. The way we do things, a table is filled with prizes and each lucky person gets to chose the one they like best.
The last Breakfast, Lady Luck smiled on me. My name was the first name drawn, so I had first choice. Check the picture below and note the headlight bezel clock on my shop wall. Sharp isn’t it, can you name the car it came from?
These are hand made by Brian Pearson of New London MN. They are not cheap plastic but solid metal, made from the real headlight bezels. He makes a wide variety and can be reached at Brian also does some other interesting things. Check this site at
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