Unique old Hinge for sale

Artistic Hinge
I ran across this cast iron hinge wile I was cleaning up on the old farmstead. It was in an old pail mixed with an assortment of rusty bolts, washers, burrs and iron.
It was covered with layers of old paint and grease. The scrap iron pile was tempting but I decided to clean it up a bit. The picture shows the result.
The artwork is amazing for something as utilitarian as a hinge. It also has an unique feature. Inside is a spring that would close the door. It must have been used on a screen door. I am not sure of the age. It is probable it came from the house which was built in 1903.

Hinge back side
I have included a picture of the back side. That even looks ornate. I know it was used for years because it shows some wear. the size is about 2 inches by 3 inches.
I am somewhat of a pack rat but I haven’t been able to think of a good use for this hinge. I would be interested in more information about it
I will sell this for $25.00, pulls actual shipping cost or you would be welcome to pick it up in person. I would also be open to offers.
I can be reached by E-Mail at rodander@frontiernet.net